
Advance Hand Tracking

Advanced Hand tracking and estimation model built using MediaPipe and opencv. The model detects whether the hand is the right or the left hand, furthermore it detects was used calculate joint angles for kinematic analysis and displays it on the live video.


Atari's asteroid game from 1979 programmed on javaScript, visit the site to play. Note: Not moblie comaptible

Emotion Analysis

Deep learning model that uses image classification to classify whether image is in happy or sad class, The deep learning model classifies images by determining if people in the images are happy or sad and accordingly classifies them in to the respective classes of happy (class = 0) and sad (class = 1).

A-Star Path Finding Algorithm Visualizer

This is a path finding visiualizer made by using python, in the program you will choose a starting point (teal) and an end-point(orange), you will be able to draw obtacles(maze) and then the algorithm will find the shortest path out of the maze.

Image Gallery

An image gallery app made with the Pixabay API, React and tailwindcss. you are able to search and get professional photographs of any images and get information about the image such as views and download. all this is donw using the api.

Movie review classifier

This is a Machine learning model that will classify movie reviews on whether they are positive reviews or negative reviews.

Student Grades Predictor

Student Grades Predictor is a Machine learning model that uses linear regression to predict the final grade(G3) of students taking into account various factors such as previous grade, study time, famliy and school support and health